Geneva Airport: The worst
Cumartesi, Haziran 6, 2009 at 10:28AM
I was in Geneva lately. Went to a workshop for 3 days.
If you are flying to Geneva you must use the Geneva airport unfortunately. I was there before and this is my 3 time in 3 years but no progress is made in this airport in terms of service to passengers.
We have read many critics on our country. About tourists complaining about service in Turkey but i must say try Geneva for a change. I have been to almost 30 airports around the world in the last 4 years and Geneva is the worst. I went to airports with bad architecture or old ones but the staff tried to compensate with the will to solve problems. This is not the case for Geneva airport.
I don't want to detail everything but the things we saw in passport control, security check and boarding terminal disappointed me a lot. Hope TAV will fix that airport soon enough cause it needs huge changes to become passanger friendly once again.
in Destination
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